So I was just watching the clip to tear drops on my guitar
by Taylor Swift and I looked at her laying there on a bed cuddling a guitar
looking so utterly beautiful and lamenting that the guy of her dreams sees
right through her like cellophane, when I realized that real beauty isn’t skin
deep. That girl is so beautiful (no homo) yet she also laments of the
cellophane syndrome coupled with lots of tears and lack of breath and I was
thinking to myself kwani hakuna optica America? Coz that guy has to be blind
not to notice such a gawjurz creation.
I know this post goes against the way of the shallow that I
had sworn to live by (don worry siz just this once) but I have to inform the
blogging world of my findings when it comes to this fleeting emotion called
love. Love is deeper than the skin even Beyonce can tell you that (though I
doubt that contract love but at least there was money. It’s deeper than skin).
Please do not confuse your vocabulary. Attraction is not affection and lust is
not love, repeat it if you may so as to get your facts right. At first I’ll be
attracted to a hot guy but trust me physical attraction wears off. That’s when
it will be put to the test and scale whether you have your vocabulary right.
Let me illustrate using the hottest guy in my class. Mnh
mnh, the dude is so damn fine he makes us all go like uuuwwwiii babie. He is
half Asian with awesome curly and bushy hair, a russet complexion, stubborn,
pronounced and rather masculine features and I can’t describe his body since I
haven’t seen it but in sure you can use imagination. So I’m sure you have this
really hawt picture in your head. Now take that and add on this talents and
abilities. He can sing, play the piano and guitar, swim competitively, he is
also very smart above the fact that he is God fearing and really humble to a
point of being shy.
I know, I know he is your dream guy so is he mine. So guy-x
(I’m sure you are catching up with the code words) is every gal’s fancy in
class and there is a group of really beautiful girls in class who have been
showing interest in him but interestingly he has never reciprocated this
interest. He however showed a fancy for a friend of mine from a different class
who is not that strikingly beautiful but has a character and a half. One thing
led to another and they were in a relationship. Damn those two really made an
awesome couple. You could see them holding hands in the corridors and feeding
each other at the mall, I know corny stuff but cute all the same.
What really shocked me was the knowledge that not even a
half year down the line, my friend dumped him!! I know that just preposterous!
If you dump guy-x whom do you want for crying out loud! Apparently guy-x was
too meek for her. She sought a guy of adventure and adrenaline life not the
meek, good guy-x. I know I should be happy that guy-x is back in market but I’m
kinda of sad for him. He is too nice to be dumped.
If you think that’s fiction just look at Halle Berry. Who on
earth cheats on such a fine woman! I know I’m also confused but I think I have
one thing right: beauty doesn’t lie in the eyes of the beholder but in the
heart of the beholden. Hehehe.
Oh by the way this is Velma, the unqualified beholder.
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